The Secrets of Viral Traffic

Viral Traffic is something most marketers would practically kill for, yet it’s often more elusive than the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot! It can be tough to get viral traffic, but as you’ve undoubtedly seen others do it, you know it’s possible.

So why exactly is viral traffic so valuable, anyway?

Well, it’s somewhat like the power of word-of-mouth marketing. You’ve undoubtedly heard how valuable word-of-mouth marketing is, right? It’s a form of social proof. 

Let me ask you a question. If you were looking to buy something, who would you be more likely to trust… the salesperson who stands to gain a commission for selling you the product, or a good friend or family member who recommends the product as one they have tried and loved?

Unless you have incredibly untrustworthy friends and family, chances are you’d believe them over the salesperson you don’t know. It’s human nature to be skeptical of people they don’t know. Many people are even skeptical of people they do know.

But viral marketing uses the power of social proof, because people warm up prospects for you. When someone shares your content, it’s almost as good as a recommendation. When a friend sees the link, they’re already warmed up to you a bit because of this quasi-recommendation.

Let’s compare viral marketing with traditional advertising for a moment…

If you put up a traditional ad… say an ad on Facebook… people are coming to your site as completely cold prospects. This means they generally don’t know you, they don’t know your product, and thus they won’t readily trust you.

If you have a viral campaign going and you get a prospect via a social share, that prospect is already slightly warmed up to you. It may be to a very small degree if that prospect hardly knows the sharer, or it may be to quite a large degree if the sharer is a close friend or family member.

This makes viral marketing one of the most effective types of marketing there is, and it’s also one of the easiest if you know the secrets to getting viral traffic.

In this report, you’re going to learn about the most common problems with viral marketing campaigns, and how to avoid making these common campaign-killing mistakes in your own campaigns. You’ll also learn some great tips and tricks for making the most of your campaigns, and making viral marketing much easier than you ever thought possible.

So let’s get started.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Common Viral Marketing Problems
  • Creating Share-Worthy Content
  • Creating Compelling Content
  • Incentivizing Your Content
  • Kick Start the Virus
  • Putting Viral Campaigns on Autopilot

Common Viral Marketing Problems

There are three major problems people typically run into when trying to develop viral marketing campaigns. Most viral marketing campaigns that fail can be traced to one of these root causes.

These three common problems are:

  1. Most marketers don’t know how to create truly viral campaigns.
  2. Viral traffic is losing its effectiveness. 
  3. Most content isn’t share-worthy.

In this chapter, we’re going to take a look at these three problems, and how you can ensure you don’t encounter them in your viral marketing campaigns.

Problem #1: Lack of Knowledge

The biggest problem most viral marketers face is just a general lack of knowledge about how viral marketing works, what it takes to make a killer campaign, and how to make the most out of their traffic.

Most people just create videos, blog posts, graphics… whatever they think is “hot” at the moment. Then they throw it all at the wall and see what sticks. The trouble is, it’s usually nothing.

If you don’t understand what makes a successful viral marketing campaign, you’re sure to fail every time – unless of course you happen to get incredibly lucky.

Problem #2: Viral Marketing is Less Effective

It used to be much easier to make content go viral. Once upon a time, you could add a “share” button beside nearly any type of content and it would go viral overnight.

That time has come and gone.

The trouble is that now pretty much everyone has multiple share buttons beside their content. People are becoming “share blind”, and unless content is truly exceptional, they aren’t likely to push that button.

People used to share practically everything. They did it because it was new and “cool”. They did it because they wanted attention. They did it to help out their favorite bloggers and site owners. They did it just to do it.

Now, people are burned out on it. It isn’t new and cool anymore, so it’s lost its luster. And people also realize now that sharing dozens and dozens of posts per day just makes their friends really irritated.

If you don’t give people a really compelling reason to share your content, they won’t. Period.

Problem #3: The Content Isn’t Share Worthy

As we saw in problem #2, unless your content is something very interesting or useful, people aren’t likely to share it. Because people are so much more selective about what they share, it’s more critical than ever before that all of your content be share worthy.

Just keep in mind what you yourself might share. Would you share someone’s sales page just for the heck of it? Probably not. You might if it was a good friend you wanted to help out. You might if you were doing a JV with that person. And of course you would if you could earn a commission on it. But as a general rule, you probably wouldn’t. Why would you?

It doesn’t matter how many calls-to-action, share buttons and begging you include, people aren’t going to share boring content. Okay, okay, I know you think your content isn’t boring. And chances are, it’s not really. But is it truly exceptional?

If your content isn’t something that people will become naturally excited about enough to share, you’re going to have to give them a powerful incentive to share your content. If you give them an incentive that is strong enough, they will share it.

So how do you do that? With a bribe, of course! We’ll talk about that later. For now, let’s talk about creating share worthy content!

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Creating Share-Worthy Content

In order to get people to share your content, it needs to be truly worthy of sharing. Most people don’t want to inundate their friends and family with tons of superfluous content. 

No one likes to think of their content as superfluous, but unless it’s really interesting, unique, or in some other way valuable, most people will consider it as such.

It’s not particularly difficult to create content that is share worthy, but it takes a little bit of extra thought and effort. There are ten psychological factors you can use to ensure your content is as share worthy as possible. Let’s take a look at these ten factors.

Viral Factor #1: People Share Positive Content

Turn on the news. Most of the time all you see is sadness, pain, death, destruction and other negative things. Our brains are absolutely slammed with horror day after day. 

You may think these shocking and horrific stories are the ones that get shared most often, but you’d be wrong. The fact is, people are much more likely to share positive content than they are the bad stuff.

If you really pay attention to the kind of content people share, it’s almost always positive, upbeat, heartwarming stories that really make people feel good. This is the kind of content people want to share with their friends. 

They don’t want to shock and horrify their friends. They want to bring them joy! So always remember that positive content is share worthy content!

Viral Factor #2: People Share Emotional Content

Emotion is one of the most powerful motivators imaginable. Any type of emotion makes a difference. Positive emotions, as we saw in factor #1, are more powerful than negative, but all emotions can inspire sharing.

Keep these emotions in mind as you create your content:

  • Laughter – Comedy is a powerful thing for viral content!
  • Shock – Shocking content is typically very share worthy!
  • Embarrassment – Yes, people will share embarrassing content, but especially so if it’s embarrassing to other people!
  • Hope – Hope is something everyone needs more of, and they will gladly share content that makes them feel hopeful!
  • Warmth – Heartwarming content is definitely share worthy. Stories that warm the heart are shared amazingly often!
  • Anger – Anger can definitely inspire people to share. If you can outrage someone, they are quite likely to share.

Viral Factor #3: People Share Useful Content

Useful content is easy to find, but unique useful content is not. You can find a thousand different recipes for a particular dish, perhaps ten thousand or a hundred thousand or more. But finding that same recipe made with leftovers, or made with super cheap ingredients, or made on a grill instead of in an oven, or with any other unique and useful spin… well, that makes it share worthy.

Create content that helps people solve a problem, preferably in a unique way. Think of the biggest problem your target market faces, and then create viral content that helps them solve it. Bingo! Instant share worthiness!

Viral Factor #4: People Share Entertaining Content

People love entertaining their friends. That’s why joke books have been great sellers for years. It’s why jokes are some of the most shared and emailed content. And it’s why class clowns always seem so popular. 

Have you seen those funny cat videos that make the rounds? How about those hilarious Superbowl commercials that go viral overnight? If your content is funny… genuinely funny… people will share it.

Just remember that funny content won’t necessarily be appropriate for every situation. If you’re selling burial plots… avoid comedy. Seriously. That would be really tasteless.

Viral Factor #5: People Share Politics & Religion

People love to share content that agrees with their views on politics, religion, etc. Most people don’t even care if they offend their family and friends. They want to share their viewpoint, and hopefully try to change some minds to their side in the process.

Just be careful using this kind of content, because it could backfire. You could really polarize your audience, causing some of them to flock to you and others to flee in a panic.

Viral Factor #6: People Share Content That Makes People Think

Philosophical content – that is content that really makes people stop and ponder – can go viral really quickly simply because it’s not the same old mindless stuff you see online every day.

It’s not easy to come up with unique stuff that makes people think, but if you can accomplish it, you can definitely gain an audience quickly.

Viral Factor #7: People Share Unique Content

Unique content is a rarity these days. The internet is absolutely packed to the rafters with content of all types, so creating something truly unique is a challenge in and of itself. 

Of course, if you can pull it off, unique content will be something that will go viral very rapidly, especially if it’s powerful and compelling in some way. Useful? Funny? Emotional? Just be as unique as possible, and you’ll increase your viral factor by leaps and bounds.

Remember, people love to be the first of their friends to share something new and exciting. So the newer and more unique it is, the faster it will spread.

Viral Factor #8: People Share Shocking Content

You’ve probably seen a little risqué content being shared amongst your friends and family, haven’t you? Maybe you’ve even shared some yourself. You know… the kind of content that makes people blush and giggle and maybe even speak in hushed tones, lest someone hear.

It’s a rush for most people to see and share content that might shock their friends. It’s also exciting to view it, especially when we think we shouldn’t.

Just remember that like political and religious content, it could backfire. If your audience is more conservative, you should probably shy away from this type of stuff.

Viral Factor #9: Content Must Reach Critical Mass

In order for content to go viral in the biggest possible way, it must reach critical mass. Unfortunately, viral marketing is really an all-or-nothing game. Unless your content takes off quickly, it probably never will. 

There are exceptions to this, of course. There are exceptions to nearly everything. But exceptions to this are few and far between.

If you want your content to go viral in a big way, it’s important for you to push it hard. It must reach critical mass, meaning it must be shared by enough people to push it globally very quickly, or it will just fizzle and never get anywhere.

Viral Factor #10: People Share Incentivized Content

No, you don’t have to pay people cash to share your content, although that certainly could help if you wanted to do it. But you must offer some sort of valid, compelling incentive to get people to share it.

Bribe them, beg them, whatever you have to do. Just get them sharing your content!

Creating Compelling Content

Okay, now that you know how to create content people will share, it’s time to figure out exactly how to create compelling content that makes people want to share it just because it’s so amazing.

First, think about what people typically share:

  • They share stuff that they think their friends and family will enjoy. 
  • They share stuff they think will get them positive attention.
  • They share stuff that makes them feel good to share.
  • They share stuff that makes them feel helpful.
  • They share stuff that makes them excited in some way.
  • They share stuff they think will make them more popular.

Spend some time brainstorming about your niche. Think about what kind of content would really appeal to your audience, and what they might be most likely to share. Make a list of those things, and then try to choose a few of the most compelling to focus on.

Remember, if you can solve some kind of problem in your niche, people will naturally want to share your content.

There are some questions you need to ask yourself as you are brainstorming that will help you figure out exactly what people are looking for. 

Let’s take a look at those questions…

  1. What kind of content does your audience really want? Check out sites like ClickBank and Amazon to see what people are currently buying, because chances are, this is what they’re looking for.
  2. What content format does your audience prefer? Different audiences respond better to different types of content. Some prefer text. Others prefer audio. Some respond best to video. Some even like infographics or other types of images. Be sure you’re creating content in the right format for your audience.
  3. What type of topics do people tend to get excited by? You want to create content that is really going to get people thinking, talking, and even arguing. You want people engaged with your content, not just looking at it.
  4. What type of topics are polarizing? Anytime content creates a strong emotional reaction, especially one that causes people to feel compelled to share their opinion, it causes the type of polarization that gets content noticed.
  5. What topics would your audience find funny? You can even find ways to make most serious topics funny. Think of people like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher. They make politics, normally a very serious topic, funny.
  6. What topics would your audience find uplifting? Remember, people really prefer positive stories. Success stories are one great way to do this.
  7. What is your USP? Everyone has some kind of USP – a unique selling point that makes that person different from everyone else in a niche. Maybe it isn’t really unique to you, but instead you just happen to be the only one focusing on it. But uniqueness is important!

Incentivizing Your Content

It’s very important to incentivize sharing unless you have extremely unique and compelling content that people will share rabidly with no incentive whatsoever.

Such content is extremely rare, thus incentives are key to almost every viral campaign.

Think about the viral campaigns you’ve seen lately. Many of them require sharing in order to enter a contest or get a discount of some sort, right? That’s because incentivizing content works.

Let’s take a look at what makes a great incentive:

  1. It must be something your audience really wants. Obviously, if they aren’t excited about the incentive, it won’t be useful. People only want to share so many things in a day. Make sure it’s yours! It could be a report or ebook, a video, access to a membership site, a useful template, a piece of software, a valuable coupon, or some other killer incentive. If it is something your prospect might be willing to pay for, it’s even better!
  2. It must be easy to deliver. If your campaign really takes off, it could cost you countless hours of your time if you have to deliver your incentive manually. You need some kind of incentive that costs you little to nothing to deliver and takes little to no time.
  3. The incentive must be valuable and unique. People aren’t going to share your content just to get some free report they’ve seen on 300 other websites.
  4. The incentive should benefit you in other ways. For example, your incentive should ideally also serve as a pre-selling tool or a lead generator. You’ll be doubling the incentive’s effectiveness if it not only serves to encourage sharing, but also helps sell your product or generate leads for your business.

Kick Start the Virus

Now it’s time to get people sharing this killer viral content you’ve created. You’ve engineered your killer virus, now it’s time to unleash it on the world and make it spread like wildfire!

There are a couple of quick and easy ways to do this:

  1. Get your offer in front of as many people as possible and FAST! The faster you get your content in front of a large number of eyeballs, the faster you reach critical mass and really send your content viral. Post it EVERYWHERE! Post it on your blog. Email your subscribers. Post it on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Buy ad space. Post videos. Visit forums. Anything you can do to get it out there fast will help! The faster it reaches critical mass, the faster your content will explode virally.
  2. Understand how viral campaigns work psychologically. There are two triggers that are at play here. First, the law of reciprocity is the fact that when someone does something for you or gives you something, you should then do something for them. Your incentive will naturally make people feel they must reciprocate by sharing. Second, the “get your foot in the door” principle means you introduce them to your free content, which will lead to your paid content later.

Putting Viral Campaigns on Autopilot

All right, you’ve created the killer share-worthy content, you’ve made sure it’s compelling, and you’ve put your campaign in motion. Now it’s time to put the whole thing on virtual autopilot!

Social Share Monkey will help put the delivery of your incentive completely on autopilot. This ensures you won’t miss anyone, which could really hurt your reputation, and that you won’t throw away your valuable time by having to deliver thousands and thousands of incentives individually.

Here’s how it works:

  1. People arrive on your landing page and they’ll see an expandable popup bar on the page. When they click it, they will see your offer. This is where you will tell them that if they share your content, they can get your killer incentive.
  2. Once they share your content, the incentive will be unlocked automatically. They will receive the incentive immediately, in the same popup window in which they shared your content.

It’s really that simple! No more delivering incentives manually. No more wasting countless hours at this pointless task. No more angry people who have to wait too long to get their item.

Best of all, you can have Social Share Monkey running on any page on your website, allowing people to share all types of content, including YouTube videos, infographics, blog posts, or any other type of content you can put on your pages.

If you’ve been wanting something that would get people to share your content, Social Marketing Monkey is exactly what you’ve been looking for! The software can handle all aspects of your viral campaign for you. All you have to do is create killer content!

Final Thoughts

Viral traffic may be elusive, but it doesn’t have to remain hidden in the shadows forever! You have a far greater chance of finding it now that you know some of the secrets!

Remember this if you want to create an awesome viral campaign that is sure to pull in massive traffic:

  1. Create content that is truly worth sharing. If you miss the mark on this one, you fail… period. Without content that is interesting enough or valuable enough to make people want to share it, any viral campaign will fizzle.
  2. Bribe your visitors to share your content. Make sure you come up with some sort of bribe that will encourage your visitors to share your content… and make it so enticing they can’t resist sharing! In order to greatly magnify the usefulness of this bribe, be sure it’s some sort of pre-selling tool or lead generator.
  3. Use Social Share Monkey to make the process as simple as 1-2-3! With Social Share Monkey, the viral content process is practically hands-free!

Go check out Social Share Monkey right now. You’ll be glad you did!


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Author: Rob Hoerntlein

I am a second generation marketer. My dad spent my childhood teaching me about marketing. His motto was "If you know marketing, whether you go onto marketing or not, at the very least you will be able to convince your prospective employer that you are the best person for the job". He went on to say "Always keep yourself in learning mode. That way when you get those inevitable jobs that you are not qualified for, by the time your boss figures out that that you are not qualified, you will have learned the job". In addition he emphasized "Always give the boss more than he or she expects, that way when the layoffs come, you'll never make that list". This is the way I have lived my life. I have always created my own way in this world. I have always created by own jobs. On those rare occasions when I have worked for someone else, it has been because I needed to learn something and instead of going to school and paying for my education, I got the job so that my boss could teach me, plus pay me.

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