Using giveaways to build your list is becoming an increasingly popular method, and providing you do it right it’s easy to generate a large amount of subscribers in very little time.
A giveaway event is basically a website where marketers upload products for other people to download for free. These products can be anything – eBooks, short reports, audio products, video products, etc.
In order to gain access to the products, people first have to sign up to the giveaway event (so the organiser of the giveaway gets to build their list) and then people also have to opt-in again to download any individual product (so the person who puts the product on the site gets to build their own list.)
Contributing a free product to a giveaway event can therefore be very lucrative. People sign-up to giveaway events because they’re looking for free products, and if you can provide a product that people want then you should generate plenty of new subscribers.
The most important thing is that you give away a QUALITY product. Many people upload products to giveaway events that are outdated, tired, and are generally rubbish.
You can’t offer crap. Sure you’ll get opt-ins, but if the product is rubbish then people will very quickly unsubscribe.
* Create a high quality product – The most important thing is to create a high quality product that people will actually want to download. If your product isn’t any good then people won’t opt in for it and you’ll get very few subscribers as a result.
* Take the time to write something useful and interesting, or record an audio or video that provides real value.
* Ensure your description is clear and accurate – make sure people know exactly what they’re getting before they sign up.
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