Deadly Affiliate Marketing Mistakes

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money, but it’s not necessarily as easy as it sounds. Too many affiliate marketers are actually making HUGE mistakes that cost them time, money, and may even hurt their reputations permanently.

Fortunately, once you’ve identified these killer mistakes, it’s easy to correct them so you can stop making them in your own affiliate marketing campaigns.

If you’ve been wondering why your affiliate marketing campaigns aren’t as effective as you’d hoped, you might be making one or more of these big mistakes than could be seriously hampering your efforts.

In this blog post, you’ll learn about the most common mistakes made by affiliate marketers (even some highly experienced marketers make these mistakes!) You’ll also learn how to keep from making these mistakes yourself, and how to keep from repeating the same mistakes over and over again as so many people seem to do.

So let’s get started.

What You’ll Learn:

Mistake #1: Focusing on Selling

I understand that the main goal of affiliate marketing, at least for the marketers themselves, is to make sales. That much is obvious. But you should never focus on “selling”.

Instead, your main focus should be on helping people. No matter what your market, you should be focused on helping your market in some way, because this is how you add value to your affiliate offers and how you get the audience in that market to trust you and want to buy from you.

It doesn’t matter what your market is, your main goal is helping people. Period.

Weight loss? You’re helping people get in shape and get healthy.

Internet marketing? You’re helping people make money and achieve financial freedom.

Socks? You’re helping people keep their feet warm and dry and look fashionable at the same time.

Always focus on helping your target customers. This will help you build a rapport with the people you’d like to sell to, making your job easier and giving you a reason to feel good about yourself at the same time!

Mistake 2: Not Testing

Testing is one of those things that everyone seems to know they’re supposed to do, but almost no one actually does.

Why exactly is testing so important, anyway?

Well, let’s say you’re achieving a 2.5% conversion rate. Not too bad, you might think. After all, you have considerable competition, and you aren’t really standing out well in your market.

But what if one simple tweak, something perhaps as simple as adding ONE WORD to your squeeze page or changing ONE IMAGE on your blog’s main page could increase that to a 5% conversion?

2.5% higher doesn’t sound like all that much of a difference until you realize that’s DOUBLE the conversion rate, DOUBLE the customers, and DOUBLE the income. From making one change! Isn’t that worth it?

The thing is, you’ll never know what might make a difference if you don’t test.

Mistake #3: Sticking with MMO Products

MMO, or Make Money Online, is one of the most financially lucrative markets there is, but it’s a mistake to concentrate solely on that one market. Did you know that even the biggest internet marketing (I.M.) gurus have diversified into other markets?

That’s because any niche, no matter how lucrative, has a maximum income cap that you can reach. Eventually, you could reach virtually the entire market, and your income will suffer because you have nothing new to sell to them and no way to add new value.

Sure, this is an extreme example. The fact is, no market has an absolute cap, because new customers are being born and growing up all the time. But think about it. Once you’ve hit a plateau, your income stagnates.

But if you diversify, if you branch out into other markets, you’ll always have fresh products to promote. You’ll always have new value to add. You’ll always be able to make money because you’re not pigeonholed into one specific market.

I know it may be tempting to start with the MMO niche because it can be extremely lucrative and you’re learning a lot about it yourself, but unless you can help someone in that niche because you are an expert yourself, you’re better off trying a niche where you have more to add.

Mistake #4: Spreading Yourself Too Thin

The temptation is great, especially for new affiliate marketers, to spread themselves too thin by branching out into too many markets. Maybe they buy 50 domains all at once, or they set up blogs in 13 different niches in one week. But this is folly.

You should focus on one or two key niches at a time, and diversify once you’ve made some real headway into those niches. Unless you can hire someone to manage multiple blogs, multiple products, multiple email lists, multiple social media pages and accounts… you’re doing yourself a huge disservice if you diversify too widely in the beginning.

Choose two or three markets initially, and only diversity further once you’ve really made some real headway into those first niches. Once you have some decent traffic, a small mailing list that’s growing, some social media presence that’s making a difference… then you can think about trying out new niches.

Don’t make the mistake of spreading out too far too fast. You’ll find that you can never make a real difference in any one niche, because you aren’t putting enough effort into one to make any headway.

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Mistake #5: Joining Too Many Affiliate Programs

Another major temptation for affiliate marketers is to join too many affiliate programs because they aren’t sure which one will be the most profitable for them. Well, let me let you in on a little secret.

They can ALL be profitable for you!Trust me, as long as you’re sticking to the legitimate affiliate programs with well-known companies, you’re almost always going to see some nice results. There’s a reason why their affiliate programs are so popular!

Choose your two or three starter niches, and then find 2-3 affiliate programs for each one. Make sure you can find at least one really hot product at each affiliate program that looks like it will convert well in your niche, and then stick to promoting that product for a while before you try something new.

If you join too many affiliate programs at once, you’ll find that you take a very long time to reach the minimum payouts required for each affiliate program, because you’ll be making $2 here, $8 there, $22 somewhere else… it’s madness!

It’s much better to sell three different products via one single affiliate program than it is to sell fifty products from thirty-five different affiliate programs.

Not only that, but if you’re a member of too many programs, you’ll be more apt to forget the rules of each affiliate network and end up getting banned, because there’s just too many to keep track of.

Some of the best or most popular affiliate programs include:




Check these programs to see which ones have products that fit with your market, and then stick with those programs for a while. You may find you never need to move past these few programs.

Mistake #6: Not Tracking Results

If you start seeing a good number of sales, you’ll soon start to wonder which of your marketing efforts is the most productive. You’ll obviously want to concentrate more of your efforts on those methods that are making you the most money. But what if you have no idea which areas to concentrate on, because you don’t know which methods are working?


Tracking, quite simply, lets you know where your traffic is coming from and where it’s going. Simple tracking is as simple as using a tracking code through your affiliate program. For example, you can create a unique tracking ID for each website you own on the Amazon affiliate network. Or if you promote products through ClickBank, you can add a custom code word to your affiliate links to allow you to find out where every sale you refer came from.

You could also go into much more detail by using your own affiliate tracking script that will allow you much more detailed information about your clicks and sales. This is advanced stuff, so you might not need it right away. But you definitely need SOME sort of tracking in place so you can figure out which of your methods is working best!

Mistake #7: Giving Up Too Quickly

If you start seeing a good number of sales, you’ll soon start to wonder which of your marketing efforts is the most productive. You’ll obviously want to concentrate more of your efforts on those methods that are making you the most money. But what if you have no idea which areas to concentrate on, because you don’t know which methods are working


Tracking, quite simply, lets you know where your traffic is coming from and where it’s going. Simple tracking is as simple as using a tracking code through your affiliate program. For example, you can create a unique tracking ID for each website you own on the Amazon affiliate network. Or if you promote products through ClickBank, you can add a custom code word to your affiliate links to allow you to find out where every sale you refer came from.

You could also go into much more detail by using your own affiliate tracking script that will allow you much more detailed information about your clicks and sales. This is advanced stuff, so you might not need it right away. But you definitely need SOME sort of tracking in place so you can figure out which of your methods is working best!

Mistake #8: Competition Fear

A lot of people try to stick to the “low hanging fruit”, because they’ve been told that’s what they should do as newbies. Or they do it because they’re terrified that they’ll never be able to compete against the millions of other websites out there.


You can compete in ANY niche! I’ve known complete newbies who managed to crack super tough niches like MMO and weight loss right off the bat. Is this likely? Of course not. Is it possible? Definitely.

I don’t advise new affiliate marketers to tackle these extremely tough niches immediately, but you don’t have to choose tiny, obscure niches that aren’t likely to make you much money, either. If there’s not much competition, it’s because there’s not much money there. Trust me, there ARE no “undiscovered” or “untapped” niches anymore. There may have been a few years ago, but that ship has sailed. If it’ll make money, it’s already making someone money. Probably a lot of people.

Don’t fear competition, just be wary of it. You WANT competition, trust me. Too much competition is a difficult thing to overcome, but choose niches that have a decent amount of competition, because that’s where the money is.

Mistake #9: Ignoring Competition

While it’s important not to fear competition, it’s also important to be sensible. Expecting to make a fortune overnight in a super-competitive niche like weight loss is a sure recipe for disappointment.

What you need to do in the beginning is target niches that:

  1. Have a healthy amount of competition
  2. Don’t have so much competition that it’s difficult to get traffic
  3. You have some interest or knowledge in

Notice #3 especially. If you have absolutely no interest or knowledge in a niche, it will be harder to create content, harder to identify with your target market, harder to sell products you know little to nothing about, and harder to get traffic.

Do you need to be an expert to conquer a market? Absolutely not! In fact, you could probably do well in a niche that you know NOTHING about, just learning as you go.

But if you have absolutely no interest in the subject, it’s going to make it much, much easier to give up. You’ll simply get bored, because your work day becomes such a grind that you’ll throw your hands up in frustration and flip on the television or head out to the lake.

So how do you choose your first few niches?

Make a list of some topics you have an interest in. I’d say 10-20 topics would be enough to get started.

Now check to make sure there are:

  • Affiliate products to promote
  • A decent amount of competition
  • Resources available for you to learn from
  • Traffic sources you can take advantage of

As far as competition, you want to look for niches that have at least 50,000 existing websites. Even a few million isn’t a big deal. Fifty million might be pushing it unless you have money to pay for initial promotion.

You can find out how many sites there are that mention your topic by searching Google. I search multi-word phrases in quotes to be sure I get an accurate number.

I searched for “golf” and got “About 1,310,000,000 results.” Yikes. Over a billion! A search for “gluten free” came up with “About 85,100,000 results.” Better, but still pretty big. “Pasta makers” came up with “About 424,000 results”. That’s definitely much more reasonable.

Don’t fear competition, but be reasonable about it!

Final Thoughts

Affiliate marketing isn’t for the faint of heart, or for people who find that they tend to give up too easily or jump around from one shiny new thing to another without thinking.

It’s actually a lot of hard work, and it takes time to build resources like blog traffic and email lists. There are no shortcuts unless you have the cash to spend for content creation, buying existing websites with traffic, or paying for email subscribers or social network followers.

Always keep these       potential mistakes in mind as you navigate your way through the precarious world of affiliate marketing. Be sure you’re not making these mistakes, and don’t become lax once you start making money. No one is immune to these mistakes!

As long as you work hard, keep at it, and avoid these mistakes, you’re certain to start making money.

But if you give up, I can guarantee you’ll fail!

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Affiliate Marketing Terminology

Did you know that you can easily generate a 6-figure income without ever having to create a product of your own, and without a well-known name or brand?

It’s true! Every day, thousands of affiliates are earning a full-time income from affiliate campaigns that drive sales from both small and wide-scale product launches.

They also make money in many other ways, apart from direct promotion.  Affiliates focus on building their own list so that later, if they decide to create their own product, they already have a built-in customer base!

With nearly a zero-startup cost involved, and no risks, there are absolutely no downsides to becoming an affiliate marketer.

Let’s take a closer look at just a few of the many advantages of becoming an affiliate marketer:

  • You don’t need a product of your own.
  • You don’t need a website of your own.
  • No customer support is required on your end.
  • No shipping, inventory or overhead involved.
  • You can work at your own pace.
  • You can venture into multiple niche markets easily.

It’s easy to see why affiliate marketing is such a viable, and popular method for building a successful online business!

In fact, whether you are a complete beginner with little experience, or you’re a seasoned marketer looking to maximize your income, affiliate marketing is an incredible source for passive income and unstoppable profits.

In this blog, we’ll work through the terminology associated to affiliate marketing so you can gain a better understanding before you dive into this million-dollar marketplace.

Are you ready? Let’s begin!

What You’ll Learn:

What is affiliate marketing?

Before we dive into the terminology associated with the affiliate marketing space, let’s take a quick look at what affiliate marketing is.

Affiliate marketing is often considered by many to be the “gateway” into the world of online business. One of the reasons why affiliate marketing is so popular is because of just how easy it is to get started.

Regardless of your experience, or your skillset, you can make money as an affiliate in just a matter of a few days.

In fact, one of the most lucrative aspects of affiliate marketing is just how fast and easy it is to begin building profitable campaigns that will generate non-stop profits very quickly.

In affiliate marketing, there are three main players:

1:  The Creator
2:  The Affiliate
3: The Customer

It’s the creators job to develop the product, build the website and sales funnel and to provide affiliates with the tools and information they need to order to effectively promote the website.

Affiliates form the bridge between the merchant and the customer, by developing targeted campaigns that recruit leads, and funneling that traffic directly to the offer via an affiliate link.

Affiliates are then paid a commission on every referred sale, most often, a 50/50 split, meaning that you’d earn 50% commission for every sale made.

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This all-inclusive system will teach you everything you need to know to generate a steady income in affiliate marketing, and best of all, it was created by super affiliates with many years of experience, so you’re learning from the pros.

Affiliate Marketing Terminology

If affiliate marketing sounds like something you’d like to get involved in, you’ll want to brush up on the most commonly-used terms associated with this multi-million-dollar industry

Here are some of the terms you should know:

Affiliate Program:

An arrangement in which the advertiser pays a commission to an affiliate for each sale captured via their website or advertising link.

The commission model is based on actions performed by users, usually involving lead generation, subscription to a service, a direct one-time purchase, or other actions.

The advertiser will utilize performance-tracking software to track the users’ actions and the affiliates who have assisted in that process.

Many service providers run their own affiliate program, which means they buy traffic for themselves to increase their own profit.

Affiliate Manager:

An Affiliate Manager is any person who communicates with the affiliates. They often create offers and take care of maximizing performance of the affiliate program.


This is a person or organization that owns a business and offers services or products to customers.

Advertisers are willing to pay affiliates for each new lead or customer they bring. This helps them promote their brand and acquire new customers.

Affiliate Network:

An affiliate network acts as an intermediary between affiliates and advertisers. Affiliate networks allow affiliates to easily find and participate in affiliate programs suitable for their inventory.

Bonus offer

In affiliate marketing, you are competing against other affiliates, who quite often, may be advertising to the same group of customers.

This is where the power of bonus offers comes into play.

Affiliates will often offer bonuses to persuade a customer to purchase through their link rather than someone else’s. Typically, the bonus adds additional value to the product that is being promoted. In other words, it is relevant, in the same niche/topic, and serves as an auxiliary component.
The greater the perceived value, the easier it will be to convince people to purchase through your affiliate link. Therefore, it’s very important to learn how to create high-quality bonuses that stand out and capture the attention of your target audience.

Building your bonus offer doesn’t have to be a difficult process, but does require some knowledge of design and/or content creation.


In affiliate marketing, cookies are used to identify a visitor who has clicked on an affiliate link. It’s simply a form of tracking.

Cookies are usually assigned for a specific period of time. If the visitor returns within that timeframe, the affiliate marketer will be paid for the sale, whether or not the visitor uses the affiliate link to complete the purchase.


Cost Per Action, or CPA, is the cost of an action carried out by a visitor. An action is almost always a form of conversion (see below).

A visitor either purchases the product or shows an interest in it. This is also referred to as Cost Per Sale (CPS) or Cost Per Lead (CPL), respectively.

Cost Per Click (CPC) is a payment model for online advertisements. Each time the ad is clicked, an amount will be paid to the advertiser.

Cost Per Action (CPA) is a payment plan where advertisers pay their affiliates for conversions only. If a sale is not made, the affiliate is not paid.

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Campaign or Offer

This is the promotion of a product or service. Offers are created by affiliate managers or product owners, and usually contain all relevant information about the payout model, commission offer, and best marketing practices.

An Offer URL is the final URL where the visitor will land after clicking the promotion link or banner. This is your landing page where they will find your offer or campaign.


This is usually a target action of the end user, defined by the advertiser. It can be a subscription to a service, lead generation, sale of a product, or installation of a mobile application.

Conversion is the final goal of advertising and is the event the affiliates will be paid for. In other words, the consumer has now been converted into a paying customer.

The Conversion Rate is the percentage of website clicks that converted (turned, changed) into a lead or a sale

For example, if one in every hundred visitors to your site makes a purchase, then your conversion rate would be 0.1%.

Data Feed

This is a file containing lists of all the products an advertiser sells, including prices, images of products, descriptions, and affiliate links for the products.


This is a notice on an affiliate’s website or blog, notifying visitors that the affiliate is being compensated or paid for sales, recommendations, endorsements, and advertisements of a product and/or service on their website or landing page.

This is an important part of your marketing campaign because it’s required to comply with FTC laws. You should place this statement towards the top of your landing pages before you mention the affiliate offer.

Tracking Link

This is a unique URL to which an affiliate sends an audience for a particular offer. It can also be called a click tracking link or affiliate link.

Third-Party Tracking

This is the principle of notifying affiliates in real-time for every conversion. When a new conversion (or sale) is received, affiliate software automatically sends a conversion notification to tracking systems at the affiliate site or other third-party systems.

For example, if an affiliate program or network works with another affiliate network, each valid post-back can be forwarded to that affiliate network.


This is simply an advertisement (ad), or, in a broader sense, any form of content that helps sell the product, including graphics and banners.

There are many types of creatives used by affiliate marketers. Choosing the right type depends on the advertising channel, target audience, and advertising message.

When it comes to using banner-type creatives, they are typically large enough to be easily noticed without disrupting the user’s experience.

Interactive banners are, as the name suggests, dynamic and highly interactive. They usually offer more than one interaction, trying to get users to engage. This type of ad can contain an interactive element (a video or game) plus a call to action (a contact form, for example) all within the same banner.

An Ad Tag or Ad Snippet is an HTML element used to display ads by dynamically fetching them from an ad server.

Referral Bonus Program

This is a special type of payout awarded to affiliates who brought new affiliates into the affiliate program.

For each referred affiliate, they can receive a fixed-price sign-up commission and a percentage of their total earnings in a given period.

Client-Based Tracking

This is a tracking method in which information is stored on the user’s computer. A cookie is saved in the user’s browser when they click on the ad, and then linked back to the affiliate that brought in that user.

After the user completes an action on a page, the tracking program records a conversion for the proper affiliate using a piece of tracking code called tracking pixel.

The pixel is also called an impression pixel or iframe pixel, depending on which of these two methods are used.

Client-based tracking is simpler to implement on the advertiser’s side, but is less accurate, since it uses cookies.


This refers to the number of times an ad is shown on a page.

Landing Page

This is a website or webpage to which affiliates refer traffic.

For example, when a user clicks on an ad or banner, they are redirected to a webpage that gives them more information about the product advertised on that banner, usually with purchase options.

The main purpose of a landing page is for the user to complete an action. It can be a purchase, service sign-up, download, or any other action that has a positive value for the advertiser.

Your landing page should reflect your online personality and use your charisma to encourage users to take action and gain you those commissions.

Niche Marketing

This type of marketing is focused on a specific group of consumers.

Niche marketing targets a far smaller group than general ads do. For example, if you are promoting yoga products, your niche is yoga while your main industry might be health and fitness.

A well-defined niche allows marketers to create more personal ads that will yield better results.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

This is a contact with the potential to become a customer. A lead, in other words, is a person who shows interest in the product or service you are promoting, which makes them more likely to become a customer instead of a browser.

This is also known as a prospect.

Keep in mind that the definition of a lead may vary depending on the organization using the term.

For some companies, a lead is a contact already determined to be a prospective customer, whereas other companies consider any sales contact to be a lead. Your goal is to convert the maximum number of leads into actual customers.


This is the process of getting a better ranking on search engine results pages. The purpose is to achieve higher visibility and attract more traffic (more visits or clicks) to a website, which in turn results in more sales or leads.

This is also known as a prospect.

Keep in mind that the definition of a lead may vary depending on the organization using the term.

For some companies, a lead is a contact already determined to be a prospective customer, whereas other companies consider any sales contact to be a lead. Your goal is to convert the maximum number of leads into actual customers.

EPC (Earnings Per Click)

This refers to the amount of commission an affiliate earns fro every person that clicks on their advertisement and purchases from the merchant’s website.

A/B Testing

This refers to an instance where you are running two or more versions of a webpage or creative at the same time in order to identify the most effective campaign.

Affiliate ID

This is a unique identifier given by the affiliate program or merchant that you are promoting. It tracks your sales, clicks and often, overall traffic.

Ad Blocker

This is a unique identifier given by the affiliate program or merchant that you are promoting. It tracks your sales, clicks and often, overall traffic.

This is the technology that prevents online ads from displaying on a website.

Ad blocking is on the rise, so the International Advertising Bureau (IAB) has launched its L.E.A.N. program to make ads better, and therefore, to encourage users to give up their ad blocking.

The latest research shows that over 15% of online consumers are using ad blockers nowadays, so something needs to be done to restore the balance in the marketplace.

The problem is that unscrupulous advertisers have started showing heavier, more distracting ads that impose on the customer instead of enticing their interest. IAB has owned up to this mistake. They realized that the most important thing to do now is to improve the experience of internet users so that ad blockers are no longer needed.


To advertise on secure websites, advertisers need to create secure, SSL-compliant creatives for display and video ads. SSL is a protocol for establishing a secure connection between two parties on the internet.

The goal is to make sure that communications are encrypted (or encoded) so that unauthorized users cannot understand them.

Return on Investment (ROI):

This is the amount derived by subtracting your net revenue from the total amount of your costs. The result shows you the profitability of your campaign.

A high ROI means the gains compare favorably to the cost, so you’re making good profits.

There are two main benefits to using the ROI calculation: it’s easy to calculate, and it’s almost universally understood.

First Click

This means that the affiliate program will reward commissions to the affiliate who was the first to refer the customer who made the purchase within the cookie duration timeframe.

Last Click

This means that the affiliate program will reward commissions to the affiliate who was the first to refer the customer who made the purchase within the cookie duration timeframe.

Affiliate programs that reward commissions based on last click attribute the sale to the affiliate who was the last to refer the customer who purchased the product or service.

And finally, here is a list of a few common affiliate marketing abbreviations:

  • AOV: Average Order Value
  • B2B: Business to Business.
  • B2C: Business to Consumer
  • EPC: Earnings per Click
  • SEM: Search Engine Marketing
  • SERP: Search Engine Results Page

Final Thoughts

Affiliate marketing is one of the few opportunities available today that provide you with the opportunity to make money instantly, without hefty start-up costs, experience or skill.

In fact, you could very well see results from a single affiliate campaign within just a few short hours from now, even if you’ve never set one up before!

The next step is to create an action plan and build your bonus pages so that you can stand out in the marketplace and maximize conversion rates.

It truly is an exciting and incredibly profitable market to be a part of. In fact, an affiliate can earn anywhere from $10,000 a year to six-figures and beyond when they focus on building a targeted list and then creating emails that motivate their audiences.

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Affiliate Marketing for Beginners 2022

Affiliate marketing is a big topic online and there are tons of different views and opinions on how to do it. This post doesn’t suit every situation but gives you a good idea of what affiliate marketing is all about and how it works.

Affiliate marketing is not rocket science. You don’t have to be an expert marketer to make money online with affiliate marketing. Actually, affiliate marketing can be as simple as selling information products to your prospects and customers. Selling information products however could be tough if you are not familiar with the subject matter or do not know where to find information that’s of value to your visitors.

What You’ll Learn:

What is affiliate marketing?

Let’s start with the basics. Affiliate marketing is a business model where affiliates get rewarded for sending customers to other businesses. In a nutshell, it’s about promoting other people’s products or services and earning a commission from each sale that you make.

The four parties involved in affiliate marketing are:

  1. The merchant (sometimes also called ‘advertiser’ or ‘brand’) – The merchant is the party that creates and owns the product.
  2. The network (that contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments) – The network is the party that connects the affiliates to the merchants and handles the management of affiliates’ accounts (tracking links, payments etc.)
  3. The publisher (also known as ‘the affiliate’) – The publisher is an individual or company that promotes an advertiser’s product or service in exchange for earning a commission from sales generated from their marketing efforts.
  4. The customer – this is the person who visits the merchant’s site and purchases a product or service and potentially becomes a repeat visitor or customer.

Why should you consider doing affiliate marketing

Many people in the world are aspiring entrepreneurs. They want to be their own boss and live their best lives. You may be one of them. If you’re looking for a way to make money online, affiliate marketing is one of the best options out there.

Affiliate marketing is cost-effective, low-risk and easy to get started with. It’s a great opportunity for business owners and entrepreneurs who don’t have many resources or budget available to start an eCommerce store. It’s also perfect for anyone wanting to earn some extra income on the side as a digital nomad or freelancer.

How does affiliate marketing work?

You, as an affiliate marketer, will earn a commission when a potential customer clicks a unique link and completes a purchase on the merchant’s website. The merchant’s cost-per-action (CPA) is only triggered when an actual sale is made. So, if you refer your audience to an ecommerce store but they don’t complete a purchase, you won’t earn anything. This typically happens when your audience isn’t ready to buy.

You may also receive a commission if a person you referred completes other actions on the merchant’s website – like signing up for an email list or creating an account – but not all offers have these additional types of commissions.​

Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing

The best way is to start small and grow as you go. If you are considering to start affiliate marketing, and don’t know where to start. This is the tutorial for you. I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about affiliate marketing, and get you started with it.

Choose Your Niche

The best way to start an affiliate marketing business is by selecting a niche that you can relate to or are passionate about. You want to be knowledgeable and helpful in your posts, so why not blog about something you care about?

A niche is a focused topic area. When choosing your niche, think about topics that you’re passionate about. You also want to find a profitable niche that has some competition. If there’s no competition, it may indicate that it’s too competitive or that there’s not enough people interested in it.

If you love dogs, for example, you could start writing about dog training tips, dog care, dog food reviews, and more. There are many different categories within the pet niche from which to choose!

Choose a Platform

You can choose between a blog or YouTube channel. Both provide plenty of opportunities for you to make money from affiliate marketing. If you want to build an audience and increase your affiliate sales, choose a platform that’s best suited to you. If writing is your thing, go with WordPress and start blogging. If you prefer making videos, go with YouTube and create your own channel.

If you want to build an audience and increase your affiliate sales, choose a platform that’s best suited to you. If writing is your thing, go with WordPress and start blogging. If you prefer making videos, go with YouTube and create your own channel.

Creating content for these platforms is free, so you don’t have to invest any upfront costs. However, you will have to invest time into creating and promoting your content.

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Find Products To Promote On Your Chosen Platform

Once you have your niche and your website or chosen platform is up and running, it’s time to find products within your niche that you want to promote on your website. You can find products on ClickBank which is one of the most popular affiliate networks online today.

To get started, head over to ClickBank and create an account. It’s free to sign up and once you are approved, you will be given access to ClickBank marketplace where you can search for products that you want to promote.

When you sign up, make sure that you have a profile picture because this will help increase the chance of being accepted by vendors who are looking for affiliates to promote their products.

After being accepted as an affiliate for ClickBank, it’s time to start searching for products that you can promote on your platform or website. You will see a search bar at the top of your screen titled “Find Products.” Enter in keywords related to your niche and hit “Search.”

Once the results appear, look through each product and read the sales page thoroughly before making a decision on which product is best for promoting on your platform.

It’s important to look out for any red flags such as:
– No sales letter (sales page)
– Low gravity (under 10) – Low price – No refund rate of less than 10%

If you find any of these red flags, I would advise you not to promote that particular product as it may not have been tested in the market place yet or there are negative reviews from customers.

Create content

The key here is to make sure that your content is of a high quality. If it isn’t, people won’t take you seriously and they won’t click through to buy.

The easiest way to do this is to write articles around your niche and include affiliate links where they fit naturally. For example, if you’re in the weight loss niche, you could write an article titled “5 Ways To Lose Weight By Winter” and at the end of the article you could include an affiliate link for a weight loss program that you sell.

This works well because:

  • The article gives value to readers who might want to lose weight before winter
  • It fits naturally with your niche
  • You are promoting an affiliate product that is relevant to your content

Promote products on your website through affiliate links

I’ve seen lots of bloggers over the years who think they’ll be able to write an epic piece of content and then people will just simply click on their links.

You still have to promote it !Just because you have an amazing piece of content doesn’t mean people will click on your affiliate links.

There are a few things you need to consider:

1. Your content needs to be relevant to the product you are promoting.
2. It should be easy for people to find your content.
3. Make sure your links are relevant and easy to find within the text itself

Be careful where you put your affiliate links:
You can’t just plop your affiliate links anywhere and expect them to work. You have to include them in the right places, otherwise they will be there forever, not being clicked on by anyone.

Here are some tips on where you should put your affiliate links:

  • At the beginning of your article because people tend to stop reading after a certain amount of paragraphs and don’t reach the end of the article.
  • After a description of the product or service you’re promoting – you should explain why it is useful and why people should pay for it. Only then should you add your affiliate link.
  • Affiliate links belong in the body of a blog post or article, not in the sidebar, footer or header section. The same goes for author bio boxes at the end of an article too.

Generate traffic and sales for your website

When you are generating traffic for your affiliate marketing website, the most important thing that you can do is figure out who your target audience is and then focus on them throughout the entire process. The more specific that you can get with this, the better off that you’ll be.

The reason that this is so important is that your target audience will be the ones who are going to bring you the sales. If you’re able to get a specific audience, then you can focus on getting them to purchase from you and only them. If you try to target everyone, then you’ll end up not really hitting anyone.

Final Thoughts

The most important takeaway here is that affiliate marketing is a long-term investment. You won’t be making big money right away. If you’re looking for a quick buck, affiliate marketing is not the answer.

Affiliate marketing requires work to succeed. Not necessarily hard work, but a dedication to making your site thrive. After all, it’s not impossible to make affiliate sales—it’s just not easy. However, if you put in the effort, it will pay off eventually.

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